Photo by NASA

The CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science has developed a short course, summer school, style curriculum that addresses these training requirements. The course partners Software Carpentry (using the Shell command line and git), Data Carpentry (using R and SQL) and the Digital Curation Centre (research data managment and data management plans) and builds on materials developed by these organisations. Also included in the programme are modules on Open Science, ethics, visualisation, machine learning (recommender systems and artificial neural networks) and research computational infrastructures.

The vision of the CODATA-RDA Schools of Research Data Science is to develop into an international network which makes it easy for partner organisations and institutions to run the schools in a variety of locations. The annual event at the ICTP in Trieste will serve as a motor for building the network and building expertise and familiarity with the intiaitive’s mission and objectives. The core materials are made avaialble for reuse and the co-chairs and Working Group team will provide guidance to assist partners in organising the school, in identifying instructors and helpers etc.

Marcela Alfaro Córdoba
Assistant Teaching Professor of Statistics

My research interests include statistics and data science education, spatiotemporal statistical modeling, functional data analysis, computational statistics and reproducible science.